Getting unstuck with Balance coaching

"That's the way it is and I feel stuck".

How many times I've heard statements like this from my clients, in relation to professional and personal circumstances. As humans, we tend to limit what is possible by what we believe is true. One or two previous experiences with unfortunate results are enough for us to form a perspective, complete with beliefs, assumptions, and expectations. We form a filter that finds more confirming evidence over time until this way of thinking appears to be true, immutable, obvious. Case closed.

What if there was more? What if we could see things from different perspectives and make a conscious choice on what perspective we want to hold to propel us forward? 

This is Balance* coaching, and I love it. Why? Because it brings back flow and choice in my clients' lives.

What do you have control over? What choices are possible?

Balance coaching starts by observing that there is a limiting perspective, naming it and exploring the impact of holding it. It then moves to developing alternative, new perspectives that are more resourceful and creative and will provide more action possibilities. It’s about opening up the client’s way of being about an issue, giving them choice to pick how they want to be interacting with their life. The clients’ natural creativity and resourcefulness takes over and they see what course of action will be best.

I am so amazed every time I work with balance coaching, the shifts I see in my clients, the way we break up the stuckness, the powerlessness that lives in the static place, and open-up possibilities that result in some kind of action.

Gaining awareness about real and distinct possibilities to choose from makes my clients feel liberated and empowered. The circumstances are real; this is not about pretending they don’t exist. It is about looking beyond the foreground walls and fences and invoking creative vision. Being at conscious choice, a choice made from the ground of our own true, alive, and powerful self, is at the heart of Balance.

As a Co-Active coach, I then work with my clients on devising a strategy for them to act upon.

Once they commit to their plans, people gain a mysterious strength and resolve, their energy moves in an unmistakable way. True commitment has joy to it, has passion to it, has a natural energy to it.

“Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”

— W.H. Murray, The Scottish Himalaya Expedition, 1951

Get in touch to identify your limiting perspective, develop new ways to look at your circumstances that open empowering possibilities, make your resonant choice, commit to action and transform your life!

*Balance Coaching is one of the principles of Co-Active Coaching, developed by Karen and Henry Kimsey-House with Phillip Sandhal and Laura Whitworth.


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